Higher pay. Lower cost of living.
Deeper satisfaction every day.
Find a rewarding career and life in Henderson, Kentucky. Get the pay and respect you deserve from companies that value your skills and ability and promote your success.

Higher pay. Lower cost of living.
Deeper satisfaction every day.
Find a rewarding career and life in Henderson, Kentucky. Get the pay and respect you deserve from companies that value your skills and ability and promote your success.

As a member of the Henderson workforce you’ll thrive with your choice of available jobs and great pay, and with lots of ways to advance your career and life.
Manufacturing-Related Companies
Colleges Offering Manufacturing-Related Training
Community Colleges Within 50 Miles
Universities Within 50 Miles
Minutes Average Commute Time
More Freight Trucking Than National Average

Make Henderson, Kentucky
your hometowN

Make Henderson, Kentucky
your hometowN